The App Outdoor Photographers Have Been Waiting For!
Anyone who does serious amateur or pro shooting will LOVE this app. At its most basic it tells you when and where the sun and moon will rise and set for any location you can pinpoint on its (Google based?) map. Using a range of tools you can then see where the sun will be anytime of day, when it will appear or disappear in relation to local hills or mountains, what is being illuminated by the sun. Its all overlaid on the map or satellite view.
You can plan your entire days shooting and know that you have the best chance of getting the image you want.... As long as the weather cooperates.
Because the desktop version has the most functions they should make locations share from the desktop to the iPad and iPhone versions ASAP.
The desktop version is free and combined with how to videos on the company website you can figure out using the more complicated features. The main time and direction information is super easy to access but they should give a bit better instruction on features that use elevation data
In had basic features working from startup and an hour on the website and playing with the app I seem to have most of it working. Ive already bookmarked some locations I will now try to hit for sunrise pictures.
Ill also use the sunrise sunset data for planning video shoots. Being able to tell how many hours of daylight you will have on a given date in a distant location be very useful for planning shoots.
Try the free download version on your Mac or pc. You wont believe how useful this is.
Will be full stars when they make locations share between versions.
AllanJoyner about
The Photographer's Ephemeris, v2.0.5